
Indira Majumder: Talking About Tarot……

Indira Majumder

Shuffle the deck, pick up the cards, lay them out in order. And no, we’re definitely not talking about poker! Tarotreading is no falsehood but a term that needs practice to be mastered.

The satisfying slap of the cards on the table was something Indira Majumder, a Tarot card reader by profession, couldn’t resist as she laid them out. Indira had found Tarotreading fascinating, something she was unaware of that sparked an interest in her. She wanted to reach out to people, heal them and guide them as she read and interpreted those 78cards.

Along with being a Tarotcardreader, Indira also has worked as a Human Resource and a professional behavioral trainer which, according to her, helps to get mingled with her clients at a much decent level. Learn more about Indira and her life as a Tarot reader only at Storiyaan!

Indira Majumder

Indira Majumder: Talking About Tarot……


Questions and answers

What turning point came in your life that you decided to be a tarot reader after 6 years of corporate life?

A few years back I was going through a tremendous bad phase concerning my personal life after various efforts. One day, miraculously, I met a friend who introduced me to the world of tarot and I promptly got connected with the beautiful divination card. I was determined to learn each meaning. I somehow knew that I found my serendipity.

What are your ways to help people to guide them through the entire journey of spirituality, peace and tranquillity?

First things first, I would say, understand that your journey is yours alone, not everybody needs to understand your journey. Two would be, I always advise people to keep a journal of their thoughts. They can also read sacred textbooks to widen their perspective, like I personally always refer to Bhagwad Gita, so people can refer to the Bible, Quran or whatever applies to them. These are all different ways one can come up with this entire journey of spirituality, it’s a step and a continuous process of learning something every day.

Can you share with us the benefits of meditation to attain the cognitive skills in life?

Nowadays many studies and research have shown that mediation, especially if we go by scientific research, thickens the prefrontal cortex. This is the brain centre that manages the higher-order brain function like increased concentration and decision making powers. Nowadays, mindful meditation is an exceptional way to boost mental skills, many studies and research have proven that.

Often, some people find it difficult to perform the act of meditation due to being impatient or getting distracted by their surroundings. What would be your advice to them?

What I’ve learnt from experience is that people just sit down and start meditating which isn’t the right way. Before starting, one should always do yoga or a free hand exercise so that the tiredness may help the mind seep into meditation. One shall start with taking long breaths and slowly let themselves feel comfortable, embracing the surroundings.

What are the expectations a client can keep attending your sessions and what changes can they see in themselves?

My clients can expect me to give them clarity of mind whenever they are at crossroads. I always like to spend time with my clients, be it counselling, discussing their issues or just listening to them. I can assure my clients that I’ll be with them whenever they need me to. That’s just satisfying as doing a good deed and is never out of fashion.

Elucidate us the ways our readers can reach out to you to seek guidance under you.

One can always reach out to me through Instagram by messaging me or even emailing me. I take personal sessions over calls, virtually, video calls or even voice notes as per the convenience of my client, so, it is open as per their convenience and comfort.

Tell us the ways one can build oneself up from the scratches after facing any catastrophe in life?

Through my personal experience, I would say, never stop believing, just go with the flow. No one has the vision to understand what is there for them or exactly good things are waiting for them. Just do your good karma and you will shine again. This is as per my personal experience.

Quote: "I hope to make people believe that life and the universe never fails."