
Is blogging dead in 2022?

Is blogging dead in 2022?

If I have to answer this in one word then it would be that blogging is not dead and is highly unlikely to be dead in the coming future. Yes, there have been some ups and downs but blogging is very much alive and active. There are more than 600 million active blogs as of current and approximately 2 million blog posts are being published every day. 

So to say that blogging is dead would not be accurate. Blogging is also one of the popular side business ideas that can give huge profits. More often than not people indulge in blogging in their free time. So let us see why these myths and rumors are emerging in terms of blogging.

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

There are various reasons why it is being considered that blogging is going to be dead in 2022 or blogging is dead in 2022. Some factors contributed to the decline in blogging or these rumors about blogs being dead. 

Let us take a look at these myths or rumors.

  • Blogging is no longer profitable.
  • People don’t read blogs anymore.
  • Blogging has become too competitive.
  • Blogging has a low return on investment.
  • All the good niches have been taken.
  • Social media and video have killed blogging.

As the saying goes no smoke without fire. So yes there is some truth in these statements but they are not entirely true. Blogging is still a very profitable and active mode of marketing. Yes, the way of writing a blog has changed throughout the years but blogging remains one of the popular forms of marketing.

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

As was previously we still read blogs when looking for information about anything from lifestyle travel. Social media and videos have been popular but blogs have their place and are here to stay. Approximately 60% to 80% of people read blogs daily on the internet. This should be sufficient to emphasize blogging being alive and active.

Things which has changed the way of blogging

1. Introduction of AI

Introduction of AI in content writing or blogging has changed the time it takes to create a blog. One good example of AI would be using Grammarly, Grammarly helps you make your content more structured and grammatically correct. There are a lot of ways you can embed Grammarly into your system so you can use the suggestions effectively and make wise choices.

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

With the introduction of AI, the content of blogging has become more structured and full of information than before. As per statistics, 80% of marketers say AI is boosting their productivity while 83% of AI adopters have already achieved moderate economic benefits so it is safe to say that AI has changed the way of blogging. One example of AI help would be using Jasper.

2. Blogs have a purpose

Each blog serves a purpose be it to educate someone, inspire someone or share valuable information with someone. But it should offer some purpose. Some blogs focus on moms and their purpose is to make the journey of becoming easier. Similarly, there are various other kinds of blogs like travel blogs that give insights into the place you are going to visit.

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

It should be in your consciousness when writing the content for your blogging what purpose your content is going to serve. This understanding will help in making more informed content for your blog and make your blogging effective and reach a good amount of interested audience.

3. Length is important

The length of your content is extremely important if you want search engine giants to take notice of your blogging page. Till previously if you had approximately 800 words then also it was okay and was picked up by the search engine. But with the increase in the number of blogging sites and content, the search engine algorithms have become more fierce.

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

For a complex or direct keyword, an 800 word blog is also sufficient but for more easy keywords you need to go as far as 3000 words. Hence having an AI aide is one good solution if you are a frequent blogger and want to maintain the quality and density of your content in a blog. Another point to note would be if you want to have heavy traffic then the standard size of the content is approximately 1800-2000 words.

Now that we have understood different ways which have hugely impacted blogging. Let us dig deep and try to understand different ways one can improve. You can blog in 2022 so you can grow as a blogger and earn good revenue and heavy traffic. Although blogging is fairly common these days there are various factors that one needs to take care of when writing for a blog for example consistency and frequency of publishing content on your blog.

3 Ways to Grow your blogging career

1. Go for at least one other platform

In this digital era, everyone is busy and looking for options, so what once worked for your blog will not work now. It is not that easy to find audiences and hence one needs to indulge in at least one other platform. For example: if your content has multiple beautiful imagery and photos then it would be advisable to invest in Instagram while if your content is more on B2B writing clients then you can indulge in LinkedIn.

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

The important point is to choose one other platform such as youtube, Instagram, Linkedin, tik-tok, etc… to help you grow your blogging site and gain more traffic.

2. Using email automation for personalization

There is something unique and alluring about personalization. And the best way to monetize a site is to provide value that gets seen regularly and also helps in building trust. One good example would be doing a survey which asks people about what they would like to read more about, approximately half of your readers reply with traveling around the world and enjoying exotic delicacies while the other half want to spend more time with their family and loved ones.

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

Depending on this survey you can send personalized emails to both the segments and focus on their requirements. This evaluation of emails is new although quite effective, hence in 2022 one should focus on this factor to increase traffic and build trust and loyalty.

3. Find support

While it is said that blogging is solopreneurship and is being done individually, it is important to find supportive people so they can motivate you during difficult times and enjoy your victories during good times. Hence you must find people who are going through what you are going through so you can get support and companionship. 

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

The other segment of people you need to find is those who have been there once and have now recovered so you can learn from them. Having these two segments of people is extremely important so that your blogging site can improve and grow. Having the support of people who get what your current issues are and can guide you is extremely beneficial for everyone involved.

So in the end it is about your thoughts about whether blogging is dead or not. But according to me, it is neither dead nor dying. If you are patient and are willing to invest time and effort into your blogging then it might generate great revenues for you. It is still one of the major live and profitable marketing strategies.

Is blogging dead in 2022?
Source: Google

You’re the artist, the canvas is yours to paint: one of the popular lines by Leha Divakar. A blogger and writer who aspires to help many are one of the persons you can look for when searching for inspiration. Her journey is one to applaud and praise. So if you are interested in reading more about blogging and how you can achieve more by investing less then don’t forget to give a read to our piece on Leha Divakar.