
Krutika-My little act of kindness.


Krutika-My little act of kindness.

Krutika says, “When I was in eighth grade, I came home from school with a puppy in my bicycle basket. I threw a massive tantrum when my mother denied adopting him. At that time, we already had a Dachshund home, so we kept the puppy for just a night and left him back the next morning. I had become inconsolable. From a very young age, I never differentiated between breeds and showed love to any dog that I had the chance to meet. As I grew up, I began noticing how difficult the lives of stray dogs were. They struggled for food and often ravaged garbage bags in the night. Summers were worse, and I couldn’t stand looking at them panting for water. Gradually, I began carrying packets of biscuits with me when I went for walks and started feeding any dog I met on that particular day. Numerous groups of dogs live near my home, and I am friends with all of them. My friend and I have been feeding them in slots for many years now, they feel like family. Many people have verbally abused me for feeding strays, but I have always fought back fiercely, and why should I not, when no law opposes feeding the stray. These dogs are harmless and ask for nothing in return. Their eyes light up whenever they see me walk over to them and have even guarded me when I had to walk back home in the night. My current pet at home is an Indie whom we adopted last year at an adoption drive, and we named her Layla. You wouldn’t believe that Layla is the smartest dog I have ever met, and she surprises me every single day with her quirks. I always urge people to give Indies a chance. A dog is a dog irrespective of which breed it belongs to, and its loyalty will forever remain the same. So the next time you plan to get home a pup, open your homes to the ones that are on the street. They deserve all the love too.”