
Neelam Naseeb : Energizing the Inner you

Neelam Naseeb

How easy life would be if it was all roses! But, difficulties and challenges are a part and parcel of life and we can surely rely on some professionals to face the same and help bring positive changes. “Healing is not forgetting. Healing is looking at the brighter side of every experience” believes Neelam Naseeb, an energy therapist, and tarot reader, who initially worked at a corporate company but finally found her true calling in providing a helping hand and healing others.

The founder of ‘Mishi Blue Tarot’ always had an inclination towards studying and understanding human behavior. However, her busy schedule did not allow her to completely get absorbed into this field. The lockdown came as a silver lining and she was able to open a YouTube channel and her own website, which helped her pitch in and assist many individuals.

Dig deeper into this interesting conversation with Storiyaan, as Neelam shares her journey as an energy therapist, how she overcame her fears, and how tarot acts as an aid in helping others.

Neelam Naseeb

Neelam Naseeb : Energizing the Inner You!


Questions and answers

What sparked your interest in being an energy therapist and when did you start developing this niche?

Since childhood I was always pulled towards knowing what’s beyond the eyes can perceive.  I was in class 5 when I first saw tarot in a magazine and then tried learning it through YouTube. I completed my studies, worked in a corporate job for 8 years, and during the lockdown, I started my Youtube channel because I had time for it. Gradually I saw growth in my channel and then proceeded towards Instagram too.

What problems did you face when you initially started this journey and how did you manage to overcome them?

Time management was a problem when I was not doing it full time. I was scared of being judged and I still get weird questions such as if I have supernatural powers. I connect with people energetically so that I can help them because my core intention is to help. I quit my job, even though I knew there was a risk of failing completely. I overcame my fear of being judged and decided to research as much as I could so that I have my answer in place. So now I have the answer and I am not afraid if someone asks me about it. It’s offbeat I know- but that’s me! I can’t run away from myself

Even with the altruistic nature of your work, you must have had your fair share of dealing with skeptics. What is your most effective strategy for handling skeptics and non-believers?

There is a line that goes like “You don’t go to tarot, tarot calls you when you need help”. I feel if the universe wants somebody to believe in the whole concept of energy which lies beyond human logic, it will happen. I never encountered a non-believer. A person who comes to me is either confused or who  believes in it, Someone who is not a seeker and will not land up here.

Artists have been interested in Tarot Cards for a while, may it be writers like Henry Miller or painters, or even musicians. According to you, what led them/us to feel this closeness to this art?

Tarot has 78 cards that express human emotion in different ways. Every person will have a different way of looking at a situation and I will have a different perspective. Artists are interested because it gives a platform to express their art. Tattoo art is also closely linked to tarot. So professions like music, art, singing even dancing come from that age, which is why the tarot links all of this together. Any individual who is creative will love tarot cards.

How has the digital world helped you to propagate your ideas for the people who live far away and especially during times of covid? In such scenarios how can one reach out for your services?

I just worked towards making my art better so that people could connect with me. My youtube is what has connected me globally and given me the platform to talk to people as much as I can. And now I also have a website where you can connect with me. However, our experiences help us evolve and thats what my corporate career did for me- it taught me a lot. My last work experience especially helped me understand the digital space very well.

What is your strategy to remain up to date on the latest trends and developments in the industryand how do you customize your sessions accordingly?

I feel like if I keep excelling in my art, other parts of success will follow and there is no industrial trend that I am following as such.  What we have been doing is we try to talk through sessions and understand what people want to talk about. Now that I am going into the space of therapy, I have to keep in touch with people. There is no customized session but I have various options on the website, people can choose from them.

How do you connect energy work, crystal healing, and Tarot together and help your clients to uplift personalities from inside and remove energetic blocks?

Tarot is energy reading. I have been talking with so many people that I am able to recognize what the person lacks. With my clients I usually like to hit the core reason behind the problem which also demands acceptance. Tarot helps me tap into emotions that are shut in a person and help them come out of it with customized meditations and crystals.The funda is that “WE ALL KNOW” we just got to dig deep to find it

Can you tell us about some of the most memorable clientele experiences and what impact they had onyou?

Client experience cannot be shared because people open up about their innermost problems. But I can share the impact of it. One day I had four calls back to back where I had to handle my clients when I was going through a phase in my life myself. So it made me a stronger person to know that it is not only me who is going through misery and it’s okay to forget about your own issues and just talk to people to make them feel better.

Elucidate us through the ways one can reach you for tarot card reading and seek your advice?

My number and email are available on YouTube, Instagram, and on my website. Till now I haven’t had the problem of people reaching out to me. So these are three platforms from where people can seek my help. And to buy a crystal there is a separate page by the name MBM crystal on Instagram.

Since you believe in miracles and higher energies, could you elaborate on the process of manifestationand how is it connected spiritually?

“The moment you start to feel that you want something, that very moment the universe works in your favor to bring it to you”. So the moment you start thinking about wanting something, it has already started to manifest. Including negative thoughts! It’s okay to feel negative but not for more than 5 minutes because there is no need. You have everything around you, depends on the kind of filter you are using on your lens. Have an open mind- the best will manifest itself automatically- LIFE IS ALL ABOUT FLOW

Quick 5

1. Your biggest motivation: Improving my craft each day with my experiences

2. Tarot reading to you is: Love.

3. Spirituality to you is: YIN &YANG

4. The best book you have read: Beyond good and evil by Friedrich Nietzsche.

5. Your proudest milestone: Feedback of people saying that the crystal or reading helped them.