
Niharika Jain- Snapping out of the ordinary

Niharika Jain

Content creation is one of the hottest professions out there today, and Niharika Jain has established herself as one of the most reached creators of India’s digital world. Her motive is to help and inspire her audience on various social media platforms. Her presence and following on social media has proven her impact.

Team Storiyaan had a chat with Niharika about her work and life balance and the inspiration behind her creativity.


Questions and answers

You are a content creator. You make striking videos. Short and knowledgeable and entertaining as well. What inspires you to create something new every day?

I think that my greatest inspiration comes from the empathy of my followers. Their love and honestly, dedication towards my work, and content make me compassionate enough to work hard and more every day. It pushes me to create and deliver useful content that may help them. 

Since we are here, how do you come up with something creative and new all the time? Because being a content creator needs constant recreation of the time and trend

I simply observe everyday activities and mundane things around me. When I sit and do nothing, I try to think of these things and blow some life in them. My thought is, how do I make something, anything, more interesting. And hence, I post content around these subjects, and it motivates me to create more out of them, new and improved. 

Talk to us about YouTube. How did it come about? Was it always your plan to be a YouTuber?

I never really thought I would be able just plainly to speak to a camera. It sounded bizarre at first. The thought of becoming a YouTube or content creator never really occurred. It just happened. As they say, life is full of surprises. 

You have a haircare routine video on YouTube. Can you tell us three basic homecare remedies for healthy scalp and hair?

I use Aloe Vera gel, which acts as a fantastic conditioner and also helps keep the scalp healthy. Otherwise, one can also use a mixture of coconut oil and yogurt. It sounds weird, but it is beneficial. Rice water also does wonders for your hair!

While scrolling through some posts on Instagram, we noticed negative comments about the Nazi flag (Swastik) in one of the pictures. In another post, someone was questioning the motif of your post, which had a battered mugshot. How do you deal with these questions, or do you deal with them at all?

I can only be myself, and I try to be the best version of it. I cannot impose my opinions or thoughts on other people and expect them to go with it. I have thousands of followers, people who love me. I have a hundred others who do not necessarily like my work or like me in general. And that’s okay. I have settled with this fact for long. 

Talk to us about the role different shades of foundations play in the Indian society.

India is an incredibly diverse country, even when it comes to our skin complexions. Hence, there’s no ideal shade that goes with every skin tone. Due to the wrong foundation color, women face problems and comments like too dull or too white. And it becomes an issue because then it gives self-depreciative thoughts to such women. 

Three elements of your makeup/skincare kit you make sure your bag contains.

Lip Shade or a Lip Balm

A cleanser


You often post videos of tutorials or suggestions on how to pose or model or take photographs. What is your motto behind such content?

A lot of young girls do not know what to do in front of a camera. Most of them feel shy, but then the rest of them just do not know how to handle their body posture. I, too, have been there, and it’s not the best feeling in the world. I started making these tutorials to help those girls and make them feel confident enough to face the lens. 

Three tips for young girls to dress up for their first date?

– Never try to be anybody else, except you.

– Always wear something that you are comfortable in.

– Do not wear something just to impress the date- when you dress-up, it has to be for yourself.

I think that’s quite it. Try to be the best version of yourself, with a smile and a chunk of confidence. Believe me or not, that’d do the trick.

What role does fashion play in your life?

I feel that fashion has a huge role in letting me express myself as an individual. I feel much more confident when I’m upfront with my style. I also use fashion to help craft an image of my personality. 

What are your other hobbies?

I love dancing and any other fun activities. Sometimes, I just go for a ride to refresh my mind or just enjoy spending time with my friends. 

How have you been utilizing quarantine for your content?

I feel as if I’ve been creating much more content during this quarantine than I usually do. It has been a burst of creativity, and the most amazingly productive time I’ve had.

The best tips for the no makeup makeup look?

Take care of your skin first, as it will help you have a glowing and natural tone. Secondly, go light on with the coverage because it has to look as natural as possible. Either use a bright concealer or a (BB) Beauty Balm/(CC) Color Correcting cream. Lastly, brush it up with some blush and voila! – you have a cute face.

Any words of inspiration for young achievers?

Success is not a magic trick. It is built upon many sacrifices and a lot of hard work. Always aim to learn and grow— they are the two constant elements on the path of struggle, as you venture further, you’ll still have to be open to knowing more. If the way is full of speed breakers, know that there is always a highway ahead. 

What does a Monday in your life look like?

I think every creator’s life is pretty much monotonous. They may feel absolutely nothing about a Monday or Monday may feel like a weekend. At times, we may not be working on anything and still strongly feel the Monday blues. 

Lastly, who is the biggest inspiration in your life?

Every individual who works incredibly hard towards their goals and dreams and fulfills them is the source of my inspiration. Such individuals motivate me to work harder and help me push myself in the same direction. 

Quick 5

1.Healthy food/Comfort food– Comfort Food

2.Indian or Western Outfits– Indian Outfits

3.Favorite Clothing Brand– Zara

4.Favorite Makeup Brand– Maybelline

5.Favorite Television Show– FRIENDS