
Preeti Kansal: The Art Of Giving

Preeti Kansal

Preeti Kansal, a Life Coach, explains, “Helping others gives me a feeling of satisfaction as if I am tuning in with myself.”

Preeti Kansal is a Life Coach and a Social Worker who has extensively worked for helping the helpless. Preeti reminisces how she discovered her love for social work back in her undergrad years when anyone could bank on her for help. Later, giving wings to her dedication, Preeti founded her NGO, Aagaz Charitable Foundation.

With her NGO, she became the hand of help for rural women and children. Besides, she has also actively participated in the development of her community through several coveted projects. Presently, she is also trained in coaching tools Meta Dynamics™ and an Extended Discs (Behavioural Profiler) in Australia by The Coaching Institute, Melbourne. Know more about what drives Preeti, her insightful thoughts and advice and much more in this feel-good conversation with Storiyaan.

Preeti Kansal

Preeti Kansal: The Art Of Giving


Questions and answers

What sparked your wish to become a social worker and to help people with their underlying problems?

During my college days at St. Bede’s College, I used to help fellow boarders in the college and realised my passion in being a ray of help. When I returned to my home town, I got involved with several projects to serve my community. As a result, I decided to serve the community via my NGO.

You have inspired and trained many clients. What was the driving factor that made you help others?

I believe serving others help me find a match between my inner self and solving other’s problems makes me content within myself. This is my driving factor and motivation behind helping others.

What roadblocks and experiences did you face during this journey?

There were several of them. Firstly, it was difficult to convince people at the grassroots level that I wish to help them. It was also a challenge to speak their language. 

My first step was swapping my jeans and shirt for the traditional salwar kameez. I later looked for opportunities to earn their trust — for example, by funding free dental clinics, and lobbying local authorities for improved infrastructure.

You have mentioned your self-transformation process, which even motivates many clients of yours. Can you share in brief this journey and the major shifts in your life?

In 2004, I formed my own NGO in India – Aagaz Charitable Foundation. While working for Aagaz, I decided to move to Australia to follow my spiritual journey with Brahma Kumaris. I came to Australia as a Permanent Resident in 2015. Before arriving to Australia I decided to study Masters in Social Work. Studying social work degree was challenging as English language being the third language. Today all of these hurdles led me to become a successful life Coach and serve people through my coaching business. Presently the major shift in my career is to expect challenge from my business coach to do a 365-day Facebook live videos.  I am also doing zoom live free guided meditation on every Saturdays since May 2021.

Currently you are running your own coaching business with the name ‘Enlighten Intellect Coaching’. What are the benefits and the expectations the clients can keep after attending your coaching session?

I conduct both 1:1 and group sessions. In these sessions, I guide my clients to get out of their comfort zone. I coach working professionals who are stuck in the job and I help them to clear their mind to experience happiness and success. I also coach them to overcome self-doubt, limiting self-beliefs. In addition, I work with clients on their goal-setting and provide personalised guidance to develop a productive daily routine.

I always say to my clients: Go from Self-Doubt to finding your PASSION & become the SUPERSTAR of your own LIFE!

Meta Dynamics™ is the method used for bringing major transformations in life. Since you are trained in Meta Dynamics™, tell us a bit about this research based tool?

Meta Dynamics™ is a research-based coaching models and methodology which is developed by Sharon Pearson (The Coaching Institute), including:

  • Critical Alignment Model – this is the foundation of the Meta Dynamics™ Profiling Tool.
  • R.U.S.T. M.E. Model – based on the work of Clare W. Graves and Spiral Dynamics.
  • I-AMNESS Triad and Self-Love models are the latest development, based on an extensive library of work on Family Therapy, Tribal Cycles, Roles and Developmental Psychology, most significantly led by John Bradshaw. 

In Meta Dynamics™ we work on people’s phobias, psychological fears. This helps us to look at a person’s connection with pain and in turn, serve clients with depth and understanding about themselves.

What is your life-changing mantra in this journey?

My life-changing mantra is that we should first practise what we preach as we can’t expect it from others if we aren’t following it ourselves. If we transform ourselves then we can transform others. Therefore, start with ourselves.

Does the manifestation process help each individual to construct something positive in life, even if there are difficulties on the way?

Your idea of yourself depends on how you perceive yourself. The manifestation process is a tool to instil positive self-talk and outlook within you. Moreover, if you have a positive image of yourself, you are more likely to have a positive impact on others.

You have accomplished your Master of Social Work from Australian Catholic University. What are the major lessons that you took back from your degree?

Although I had a practical experience through my NGO, my degree helped me learn the social work theories that I could implement while working with families and children. As a social worker we see individuals in their environment. Social worker theories and social work skills help me to understand complex human behaviors and social environments, which influence my clients’ lives and problems. 

What would be your suggestions to people with mental or psychological problems and not feel embarrassed about societal setbacks?

I would recommend that people who have mental health issues, surround yourself with like-minded people or talk to someone whom you can trust, open up to others about your feelings and thoughts. Gain access to meditation as it enhances inner well-being. I also encourage people or individuals to seek a professional help.

What would be your message to people suffering from mental or physical health disorders and are losing their self-confidence gradually?

I would advise you to write a journal. Start putting down your thoughts or emotions and make a routine to write about three things that you are grateful for in that day before you sleep.  And most importantly, remember that healing is a slow process and eventually all your problems will be resolved.

Quick 5

1. Self-love to you is – Self-transformation

2. You generally curb your boredom by – Meditation

3. A recent regret – I can’t fly as Australian International borders are closed

4. What is your proudest moment? Starting my coaching business

5. A person you always look up to – Dada Lekhraj – Founder – Brahma Kumaris