
5 Min Bit With Priyam Dave

Priyam Dave

“People should have the courage to fight back. When the question lies between staying in a violent, toxic relationship and choosing freer but unknown singlehood – choose the latter.” reaffirms Priyam.

 If writers did not exist to give us the world that we immerse ourselves in, reality would never be half as pleasurable as it is. Meet Priyam Dave ,a Writer who started penning her thoughts at a young age and has never stopped since. With such an incredible gift, Priyam became a published author at the tender age of 21, when she published her first book, “Never Forever”. Dig deeper into the fascinating mind of Piyam and know more about her creativity in this conversation with Storiyaan.      

Priyam Dave

5 Min Bit With Priyam Dave


Questions and answers

What sparked your interest to be a writer someday?

I have kept on pouring down my imagination in lose papers since forever. I clearly remember I kept on sharing my piece of work with my friends and family who pushed me to never lose my steak. Therefore, by 5th grade, I had decided that I wanted to be a writer. But it was only in the 12th standard that it struck me to write “Never Forever”.

You always wanted to write a novel but had writer’s block in the middle years before you finally published one. What was the major reason behind this push?

It wasn’t writer’s block per se, I was not confident initially about going ahead with my book. The major reason behind the push was that I wanted the book to offer a precise and coherent message to everyone in toxic relationships that they aren’t alone. Therefore, I wanted it to satisfy my idea of the outcome before I could hand it over to the audience. 

Your first novel “Never Forever” was a dream for you. How did you feel when you first got readers’ feedback?

Yes, it was dream come true when I saw my name on the book cover. The first feedback came from my best friend who finished reading my book in three hours and his honest review filled me with happiness and brought a smile to my face. Subsequently, when other readers started reviewing the book with positive messages and feedbacks, it felt worth my effort.

What was the major idea that you wanted the readers to have through your novel?

The major idea was to not glorify toxic boyfriends. The coming generation is accepting such untrue and romanticized relationships and misunderstanding them as love, which it is not. I wanted to address the book to this young generation and help them know how toxic relationships are not only mentally exhausting but also drains and eats you from inside.

As the world has turned online and we are stuck inside four walls, writer’s block is very common these days. What would be your suggestion on this to come out of it?

I believe that writer’s block is a natural process and it’s not supposed to be wretched about. One should embrace the process and look out for positives. For example, one should try to experiment, and search for newer ideas when the old ones are not helping anymore

What would be your message to our readers who are well aware of their toxic relationship but are too unconfident to leave them?

My message would be to understand that change is possible and valid. Often people, who are aware of their toxic relationships, stay in them because they think it is the love they deserve. So, you must build the courage to leave and know that you deserve much more than you think.

Where do you see yourself in the next ten years and what is the upcoming work you are planning to work upon?

There have been a lot of projects which are in my mind. However, I don’t bother myself with this question of “where I see myself in some years”. To be honest, I never thought I would publish my book at the age of 21. Thus, I allow myself time and want the writing to come to me organically.