
Rabiya Gill: Living, loving and empowering

Rabiya Gill

“A Life coach isn’t just someone who guides you in the right direction but someone who empowers you to live the best version of yourself.”, explains Rabiya.

 Life often feels like a puzzle and perhaps it is so. Our inhibitions, fears and problems can be a challenge but thanks to Rabiya Gill, there are solutions. She is a Life Coach who doesn’t guide you in the right direction but empowers you to become your best and most successful selves. With her holistic approach, she combines mind, body and soul to help grow and transform lives., in addition, she also practices Hypnotherapy and Reiki. Discover how you can get better, grow, solve your problems, and much more in this conversation with Storiyaan.

Rabiya Gill

Rabiya Gill: Living, loving and empowering


Questions and answers

Tell us what attracted you to the life of a life coach and how did you find your calling in this profession?

My journey into life coaching was organic. I was a competitive golfer who chose to give up on the sport competively to pursue an MBA post an injury. Subsequently, I joined a corporate but realised after 3 years that there was so much more to life than doing a job where I was working to fulfill someone else’s dream.

I realised I wanted to work with freedom towards something that was more meaningful and mindful.

Eventually, I ventured into hypnotherapy and Reiki and explored various modalities in Life Coaching and I have not looked back since.

How do the 3 months and 6 months programs differ from each other and how do clients decide which would suit their needs the best?

I believe it takes a minimum of 21 days to create a neuro-pathway and creating a habit, practising that activity for more than 90 days will enable you to embody it into your personality and witness changes in your life. I would say, most of us require a 3-month program to be able to experience and realise the changes.

Similarly, the 6-month programme is designed to delve deeper and get to know yourself better at the soul level. It is then that you start identifying your intuition and tapping into your higher self.

When should a person decide to seek the help of a life coach and what are some of the major roles entailed in this job description?

You can seek the help of a life coach whenever you feel lost or uncomfortable, need guidance or are looking for transformation. As life coaches, we do not guide you in the right direction but empower you to help you follow and take action towards the direction that feels right to you. We also provide you with the tools and techniques with which you can achieve your goals. Thus, we are the catalyst in your success.

Tell us about your most memorable clientele experience and the impact it had on you as a coach?

All my clientele experiences are memorable to me. Likewise, some of my clients have gone through depression, abuse and physical ailments but they too have been able to transform themselves completely. All such journeys remind me of the immense strength we have within ourselves to completely change our lives.

All such journeys make me inspire and encourage me to continue the work I do.

Tell us a bit about your approach to initiating a workshop and how can the audience get back to you if they face any queries?

Workshops enable me to share my knowledge, techniques and help in reaching out to a lot more people. It becomes an introductory session for anyone who wishes to go deeper and get help for their problems. Anyone with any queries can feel free to contact me via social media platforms like Instagram or Facebook.

What do you believe is your USP and how does it make you more approachable by those who seek help?

I think my USP is that I have a very holistic approach. I believe in working with the mind, body and soul to be able to take aligned action.

So people can come to me for any emotional, mental, or physical issue but we work on all three aspects regardless. Thus, I have no one size fits all approach, everything is personalised based on the client’s needs and preferences.

How do you ensure a proper and well-balanced approach to mental and physical well being?

To ensure a well-balanced approach make sure to be mentally clear, physically active and emotionally aware. Take some time in the day to clear the thoughts in your mind, to engage your body in any sort of physical activity and to acknowledge and understand your emotions.

How do you handle a situation if your client is a sceptic and refuses to agree to your methods?

I ensure complete flexibility. There is no one rigid method but a variety of options and the client can pick and choose the methods suitable to them. I explain to them the science between the connections of mind-body and accordingly allow them to be their judge. If a certain technique doesn’t work, I always provide replacements. 

As a life coach, what is the most challenging part of the work and how do you approach such obstacles?

The most challenging part of my work is that each person comes with a unique situation, issue or ailment. There is no strict syllabus that you can adhere to. Hence, you have to be non-judgemental and open to learning constantly. But no matter how unique each situation maybe, in the end it all comes down to learning how to love yourself a little more.

How do you set your fee structure and how can people consult you if they need your guidance?

My fee structure is based on the time and energy I put in and how much effort and resources the client is willing to exchange. Everyone can readily consult me through a message on my social media handles. Apart from that, currently, all consultations are online, so you are not restricted by a particular place.

Quick 5

1. The best book you have read until now – A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose by Eckhart Tolle

2. One thing you can’t leave your home without- Clearing my mind and physical space

3. Your inspiration – My clients

4. Yoga for you is – A way of life

5. One social media platform you rely on – Instagram