
Ranjana Ghoshal: From Misery to Mastery

Ranjana Ghoshal

“I was lost and depressed. The journey of realization was extremely lonely, and I had no one to mentor me in my hardships. But I turned my life around with time and patience.”, asserts Ranjana.

Life is never a cakewalk and striving to achieve our dreams can be blocked with potholes. Helping people clear these roadblocks and launch their dream career is Ranjana Ghoshal‘s forte. She is a Leadership Communication and High-Performance Coach who is on a mission to Impact, Empower and Transform the lives of Professionals, Entrepreneurs and Women. Precisely, Ranjana has assisted countless clients in their path towards self-development and has solved the toughest battles with self-discovery.

Read more about the inspiring journey of Ranjana in this candid conversation with Storiyaan.

Ranjana ghoshal


Questions and answers

Can you narrate to us the events that led to your realization of the need for a Life Coach in an individual’s life?

I wanted to be a career woman &financially independent but the struggle to get out of self-doubts and lack of confidence hits hard. I felt lost completely & having no guidance or mentorship made things worse. Thus, it is only natural that I help make the path easier for others.

Through your years in the field, what are the major evolving trends that you have found in therapy and what are some of the new areas that are being considered?

The major evolving trends can be observed in inter-personal relationships. The trajectory of your youth was to end with marriage but today, it is a choice more than a necessity. Apart from that, the inabilities to stick to one career path and millennial enthusiasm for fast shifting from one company to another are some of the other changes.

What are some of the red flags that one must take notice of that would insinuate that one requires therapy?

Some of the red flags might be trust issues, hopelessness, anxiety, lack of confidence in oneself, fear of failure& too much of self-doubt .If you are facing major difficulties in life, seek therapy.

You were the victim of workplace politics yourself and several people suffer from similar scenarios but they too fail to gather the courage to stand up for themselves, often out of the fear that they might be fired. What would be your advice to them?

Firstly, identify whether you were the victim of such workplace politics. Learn to be mindful of the connections you make at work and avoid two-faced colleagues. Be patient with yourself and slowly understand your place and realize your willpower to speak up.

What are some of the major side effects of long-term evasion of therapy and what are some of the core reasons people avoid it in the first place?

Although long-term side effects differ from person to person but generally your problems will only be worse.

The taboo surrounding mental health and the lack of awareness are major contributors to the hesitancy in getting therapy.

A multitude of people these days require a proper coach in life but often believe it to be too expensive and thereby abstain. What would be your message to them?

My message will be to understand that a life coach invests valuable time, energy and knowledge in the betterment of others. If you undergo therapy, you will observe positive changes. Hence, give yourself a chance to be better emotionally, financially & mentally. You want to lead a happy life, you need to first work on these areas.

Can you share a bit about what your clientele can expect from your sessions?

As a coach, I aim to bring out the best in my clients. The sessions are subjective; one of my clients who was an entrepreneur was struggling with communication problems.  I helped her identify why this was an issue, proceeded to give an action plan and chalked out the goal that they had to achieve. As a therapist, I work with emotional imbalances to achieve a happier state of mind. While working on her sales pitch I realized her lacuna in knowledge & vocabulary , that gave her so much of hesitance.

My clients mainly come for :

Mental Wellness Therapy

Life Coaching for Happiness & High Performance in job & business.

You have a post “6 Ways to Help You Become Emotionally Stable” where you advise people to preserve their mental health. Can you elaborate on that aspect?

The way you respond to a situation marks your emotional stability. Self-preservation is extremely important; learn to be assertive about your needs and requirements. Do not over-commit and respect your body’s capacity and strength. That means, stay true to yourself but persevere to be better.

In your experience as a working individual, how have you managed to strike a balance between keeping a stable optimistic perspective of life while also remaining productive during the Covid scenario?

Although I was anxious initially, I convinced myself to adapt the change fast. I learned the technological know-how of my work and adjusted accordingly. I have been able to network &grow my clientele from Mumbai to other countries due to the online mode. Thus, change should be embraced and not feared.

What are some of the arenas that entail your book “Workplace Superstar”?

The book emphasizes the drastic changes one has to face while moving from an academic setting to a professional setting. I talk about growth mindset, leadership skills and habitual changes that will determine your efficiency and growth in a competitive job environment. Hence, my book acts as guidelines for better work-life efficiency.

Quick 5

  1. Your greatest accomplishment –Authoring my book & receiving award as Woman Icon of the Year 2017

  2. One thing that you most admire in your team – The resilience and unity
  1. Your daily mantra for positivity – Keep learning & growing every day

  2. The most damaging habit most millennials have– Impatience
  1. One method to get over a creative block – Self-belief.