
Reiki: A point of retreat


“Reiki chose me when I Needed it the most,” says Smita Soni Agnihotri who is a Life coach, Reiki Grand Master, Past Life Regression Therapist, NLP Subconscious Reimprinting Master Practitioner & Coach, crystal therapist & Angel Therapist. Despite having a well settled job in HR and having worked in the corporate sector for over 10 years, Smita always had a void left in her. She was looking for an holistic approach to heal herself and discovering meaning of her life.Reiki came into her life! After following the path of spiritual healing, herself, Smita is now giving back by guiding and helping others heal & Grow. In a fun chat with Storiyaan Smita tells us about how Reiki has been her calling and how she wishes to promote spiritual healing to greater heights.


Questions and answers

As a spiritual healer, you have to go through a first-hand experience of the problems faced by your clients. Do you relate to these problems personally and how do they impact you emotionally?

People often ask me this. I see their problems very neutrally without letting it affect me. There are many relatable problems but I’m there to help them as their healer; so my only concern in front of them would be to provide them with a way for their own healing and enable them to create the blueprints of their desired lives by making them aware of their innate healing capabilities and powers.

In the 21st century, a lot of people are hesitant about seeking spiritual therapy in order to heal their being. As a spiritual leader, how do you deal with a sceptic client?

There are a lot of people who have started looking into the spiritual aspect of life. A person needs to be perfectly aligned in all the dimensions, for a perfect life.It’s not just the mind and body but soul is important too, and with the increasing spiritual quotient of people, I have a great opportunity as a healer & coach.As far as an skeptic client is concerned they are the ones who help me to become a better therapist and practioner as I have to articulate everything in a better way for them to be convinced and feel better after the skeptic may become the biggest fan your work.

How does Reiki differ from counselling and therapy and as a spiritual leader, do you believe the former can supplant the former?

Counselling is an approach which addresses your psychological aspect. Whereas Reiki approaches your overall spiritual aspect. It offers an overall alignment for your mind, body and soul. Both are different types of practices and one complements another.

What was the reaction from your friends and family when you first intimated them about your plan of pursuing this professional line?

My family welcomed my decision of listening to My soul’s calling and friends were very surprised to see where I come from, having a promising career with brands and then reverting into this, all of this was a mixed reaction.

How did the lockdown affect your work and how did spiritual healing help you fight the lockdown gloom?

Lockdown was a time to look inside and get back in touch with our souls & raise our consciousness, it helped us re-evaluate and look back at our life; and change certain facets of it. I am grateful for becoming a medium of transformation and healing for more than 700 beautiful souls with my Training,Healing & Counseling session during lockdown.

On the auspicious Day of Basant Panchami, Svastii Wellness Group had provided Mass Vidya Shakti pat. Could you tell us a bit about that and the ascendancies of it for a student?

It’s one of the most powerful attunements in Reiki. With the help of this process the blockages from the energy centers of students are, removed and chakra & Aura are energised so that the student can excel in every area of life. I’d like to add one more thing, we have hosted this in the remotest parts of MP by reaching out to students and helping them. Students weren’t aware at first but after this, they could acknowledge the changes in their own energies and they got a spiritual revelation.

Could you tell us a bit about the past-life regression therapy and the science involved in the procedure?

In Bhagavad Gita, Lord Krishna has given a vivid description of a Soul’s journey

It’s important to understand the nature of the soul to understand reincarnation and Past Life Regression.

Past Life Regression is a process that facilitates retrieve and re-living of past memories.the past forever lives within your subconscious mind in the form of memories,impressions,feelings & beliefs.any u resolved issues from the past creates physical,emotional,and spiritual ailments.once the buried trauma is brought to the conscious awareness through regression the problems starts clearing up naturally.

Past life regression works on the principal of cause & effect and helps removing the effect by addressing the root cause.

Tell us about your plan of action when it comes to spreading the word of your work on social and digital platforms to attract more clients.

 I’m coming up with my website very soon which will mostly be launched by next month. I’m also in touch with some digital marketing agencies in order to have help in handling all this.

How did you first come to be cognizant about Reiki and did you have any initial hesitance regarding the process?

My previous life was very hectic and I took my health for granted ,and because of this i was facing some lifestyle disorders  After trying certain medication, I tried diverting my way of healing and I started searching more about the holistic approach of healing myself and gradually the life that was in front of me was a different i es practicing Reiki for my physical recovery however I was feeling content and balanced at my mental emotional & spiritual levels too.and Reiki helped my finding my life purpose and now I’m here. Reiki chose me when I needed it the most and today Reiki has become an inseparable part of my existence.

As an HR, how big a role does spiritual healing play in keeping you mentally and emotionally calm when your work gets monotonous.

Life was different before Reiki happened.  Reiki,totally changed me, it  gave me a new perspective in my life and it helped me a lot in maintaining my mental balance as well as helping others.

Have you always been a believer of crystal healing and Reiki or was it an acquired belief and how did it burgeon over the time?

As I said, Reiki discovered me when I needed it the most. I also found out about the healing powers of crystals and thought of making them a part of my life. I want people to find their healing through all the dimensions of their existence and Reiki is one such healing energy that helps you align all the dimensions. The more I got into this,the more I felt that it was something for all of us to inculcate.

What message would you like to convey to your readers who are going through a difficult phase in their lives and seek spiritual guidance?

I’d like to tell them, no matter who you are, do not give up on this world. You have to be receptive to the universal energies and see what helps you the most.

Rapid Fire

a. One thing you hate about being an HR?: Nothing to hate.

b. One advice for sceptics: Discover the deeper parts of your being, that you never knew existed

c. Your greatest moral support: My family.

d. One lesson learnt in life that you will carry to the grave?: My lesson would be,” wellness is a lifetime commitment. Don’t take it for granted.”

e. Biggest regret in one line: No regrets.

f. Currently Reading: Destiny of souls by Dr. Michael Newton