
Reshma Mehta: Traveling for the soul

Reshma Mehta

Reshma Mehta

Reshma Mehta: Traveling for the soul

Exploration, self-discovery, and personal growth have been the pillars of my life ever since I was a child. I’ve always had a burning desire to travel the world, experience new cultures and in the process learn more about myself and the people around me. This natural inclination or “calling” led me to travel over 45 countries over the past 2 decades. The experience of Active Travel and meeting people across the globe has been very fulfilling.

Planning and crafting the best experiences with my family made me more motivated and driven to do the same for other people.

This natural inclination then led to the manifestation of two travel companies: Re Meh (luxury travel) & TRIYA ZIIKHARA (a women exclusive travel revolution) These companies helped me make a difference in people’s lives by expanding their world view and exposing them to the beautiful aspects of our planet. My passion motivates me to work and I strongly believe that when your work is attached with a purpose, any difficulty can be conquered.

The Intensity of my passion has led to multiple outputs: being featured in magazines such as Femina for Unexplored places you can visit with friends once restrictions are lifted, Global Spa – luxury online magazine & achieving 99 entrepreneurship award. All the accolades, experiences, moments, and pleasure I derive reaffirm my purpose and drive me to achieve greater and better goals in the future.

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Reshma Mehta