
Sakshi-Battling the odds of life.


Battling the odds of life.

Sakshi narrates, “It was the seventh grade when I first found about my bisexuality. It was very confusing at first, but the matter of fact, I was familiar with gays and lesbians from a young age due to all the Hollywood sitcoms and movies made me think that it was natural. So, it never bothered me, and I was up for a quest to find out about myself. When I realized it later that there was a whole community for people like me, the LGBTQ+ community who have to go through a lot just to be themselves and have to fight for their rights, it scared me, and I became very insecure. I remembered trying to tell my best friend about it, and he said to me that I was naïve, and it was just a phase, and it broke me completely. One thing led to another, and I came to a point in my life where I was not only then insecure about my sexuality but also about the way I looked. I started self-harming to cope up with the havoc I was going through in my life. When I entered college, I met Vidit. He was the first person to accept me the way I am. For the first time in my life, I had someone by my side who had comforted me by saying that it doesn’t matter who I am and who I will be or what gender I prefer to tick in. This gave me a lot of courage to embrace myself. At that time section, 377 was passed in India, and people were becoming more aware of the LGBTQ community. Time I found out that coming out wasn’t the only hard thing about it, there was a lot more to it. I have had people in my life who would come up to me and ask for a threesome. It has been a constant journey for me since then and with every step, I have become more confident about myself. To all the people questioning and figuring themselves, all I want to say is that it is okay to take years and years to come out, but as long as you accept who you are, there’s nothing in the world that can stop you from being yourself.”