

Sophia Suraya

Our energy systems are interrupted when we are stressed or anxious, and if we don’t address these concerns, we’ll find ourselves under more stress and worry.  As a result, people frequently feel trapped. Hence, people are starting to realize that we are not just physical beings; we also have energy blocks. To help you with your healing journey, Storiyaan interviewed Sophia Suraya, a Reiki, Holistic, and Energy Healer (, whose primary calling is to assist women in releasing whatever is holding them back from living a fuller life and “realigning with their soul’s wisdom”.

Sophia says, “My purpose of life is to be a healer. Nothing happens to us, it happens for us.” An empath by nature, she always desired to help others and make them feel empowered. Sophia, a dance fanatic, has created her own systems of Shaktiflow Yoga and Gypsy Soul Dancing to raise awareness of dance’s therapeutic potential. She has worked with a wide range of people, including young adults in rehabilitation centers, women and children who have experienced domestic abuse, and has successfully brought a healthy change in many!

Catch Sophia Suraya sharing her insights on energy healing, how she developed an interest in the same, and tips you can adopt to relieve yourself from anxiety and worry, and feel more energetic!

Sophia Suraya



Questions and answers

What sparked your interest in being a Healer and when did you start developing this niche?

Being a healer is a responsibility that I was born with and have been upholding. I was sick myself for 16 years, battling anorexia and depression, and kept wondering why I was feeling the way I was feeling. Unable to control the feelings that I had, I became anorexic. One day, I kneeled down and looked up at the sky and I cried. I said, “Father, I am tired of being sick. Could you please shine some light? I do not want to do this anymore.” Something just came onto me and I cried like a little girl for hours. Ever since then, I was introduced to the right people, the right healers, the right mentors; because once you are on the path of your life’s purpose, everything will fall in place for you. I have a purpose – to be a healer, a “conduit of light” and I live that every single day!


What was the journey behind the foundation of energy healing and how did you come up with this idea?

I am an empath. My whole life, I had the desire to be there for people and to help others. When you grow and you meet people and start new connections, you realize: this is what your life is. I also did Numerology and Astrology. Everyone I talked to told me that I was a Healer. The minute I accepted that, is when my life completely turned around. It is who I am.







How do you connect energy work, crystal healing, holistic readings, and help your clients to uplift personalities from inside and remove energetic blocks?

As I mentioned earlier, I am the conduit. Human beings are 99% energy and 1% matter. So I use Reiki to connect with people irrespective of the distance, and once I am connected, intuitively I start hearing, seeing, or knowing what it is that the person needs help with and that’s when I go in. I first sit and wait for the messages to come through me and then I share them with my clients.


What problems did you face when you initially started this journey and how did you manage to overcome them?

Everything in life provides us with the choice to sink or swim. The first challenge I faced was the fact that no one knew what I do. So I had to figure out how I was going to portray myself to the world first. The second one was that I was born into a Muslim family, and my parents and brother both routinely pray. So, it took a long time for my parents to realize what I was doing when I informed them I practice healing and work with angels. There will always be negative people and naysayers, but that fuels my passion as I am convinced to be doing the right thing.

Divine readings provide its clients with a variety of services for self-healing. Could you elaborate on the services and what can one expect from the sessions?

Everyone is different and has a different story. For example, I have worked with a doctor in Dubai. Her husband had committed suicide 10 years ago and she hadn’t released the sorrow yet. I asked her what had happened when she was younger because I intuitively knew to go to the root cause of why she (or someone) is depressed, or why someone has anxiety. At, which is my website, you will learn more of the work I do. I center myself, align my energy and go into a place of the sermons; meaning I am simply the witness. The power of God is doing all the work. During the session, we find out the areas that we need to work on.

Even with the altruistic nature of your work, you must have had your fair share of dealing with skeptics. What is your most effective strategy for handling skeptics and non-believers?

I am working with a Bollywood movie producer who wants his show to be sold out and he wants to make sure it is successful as his last few shows suffered. At first a tad bit skeptical, he finally agreed to open his mind.  My message: “Your show is coming up in a week. You will see how the universe works for you.” His show went very well. I believe that if I meet someone and if they are meant to be my client, God has already arranged that. If a person does not believe, then I am willing to show them, and if they still don’t want to, it is okay as well. When they refuse to believe, it motivates me even more towards my cause.

Can you tell us about some of the most memorable clientele experiences and what impact they had on you?

They do not affect my psyche because I don’t give my energy. I am merely witnessing God’s work and telling you what to do. So, I can have 10 sessions a day and the only impact it would have on me is that my throat would start hurting from talking so much and channeling thoughts into words; ultimately, I feel so energetic that I could go running! My energy is not for everyone; it is not meant in that way, I am just here to witness God’s work.



How has the digital world helped you to propagate your ideas for the people who live far away and especially during times of covid? In such scenarios how can one reach out for your services?

It was the pandemic that showed me that I could work with anyone and anywhere in the world. I was busy every single day because I could talk to my clients from any part of the world. It was a collection of word of mouth and social media, but above all people who are meant to find me will always do so.  If all of us realize that we have a purpose; that there is a reason why we are here and we are meant to be as joyous as I am, everyone on earth will realize their vibrations in harmony with the earth.

Since you believe in divine power and higher energies, could you elaborate on the process of manifestation and how is it connected spiritually?

Every time you need something, close your eyes and imagine that there is a universe that is waiting to give it to you. So when people say things like “I can’t wait to pay my debt”, what you are repeating to the universe are negative words like “can’t” and “wait”. Instead what I do is I look up at the universe and I say “I love you. I am healthy. I am abundant. I am joyous. I am fulfilling my life’s purpose.” Once you are positive, the universe is bound to listen to you. That is a manifestation – owning it and putting so much conviction behind it that the universe and everything around you give it to you. The universe is like a genie, and you have to thank it for the wishes it grants you!

What would be your suggestions to develop positive approaches and outlooks in life and what are those?

Firstly, when you wake up, close your eyes, focus your concentration on the ceiling and imagine the sun and the light penetrating from the top of your roof and entering your home. Just say “I am healthy. I am removing all emotions, feelings, and energies that are not for the highest best of me and my family.” Just imagine that the light is going into every room of your house and once you feel comfortable, open your eyes. What you have done is already protecting yourself, you have protected your energy before you start your day. Secondly, when you don’t have anything to say, I want you to sing an anthem: “I am happy, I am healthy, I am light, I am successful, I am the healer of my life.” I sing it out loud and sometimes, even dance to it!

Quick 5

  1. The person you look up to the most- Cleopatra
  2. Your divine passion- Healing and being in service
  3. Spirituality to you is- My existence
  4. The best book you have read- I have yet to write it!
  5. Your proudest milestone- Having touched the lives of over 200 people in one year.

If you feel something is blocking you from achieving the best and wish to get “energized”, you may contact Sophia Suraya for a healing session, through her socials linked below-