
Sreemathy Venkatraman: Diet with Delight!

Sreemathy Venkatraman

Sreemathy Venkatraman, a Clinical Dietician, quotes, “It is Ok to indulge in a craving, fall of the EAT RIGHT plan for a day”

From a junior nutritionist to starting a clinic of her own during the pandemic, it’s not just her diet plans that are top notch, but her journey too.

Venturing into online clinic services Sreemathy takes us through the new normal health practices and some important diet tips. And most importantly, she shares her insights into curating a perfect diet plan. To learn the do’s, don’ts and customize your very own diet plan continue reading this Interview and Your Story as well.

Sreemathy Venkatraman: Diet with Delight!


Questions and answers

What tweaked your interest in the fields of food and nutrition in the first place?

I had taken Home Science in my higher secondary and really liked it. I came first in school in this subject. So, I thought I would pursue Nutrition.

Can you share with us your experience at your first job in Chennai and what were some of the things that you took back from it?

My first job in Chennai was with a reputed Neuro physician and also in a charitable hospital which he used to visit. This gave me a lot of insight on Nutritional deficiencies. As a young dietitian this taught me to learn about different regions of our country and the local seasonal produce and the different staples they consume.

What would be your suggestion to newbies in the field when it comes to internships and how do they decide the right one for them?

If you want to work in hospitals and be a clinical dietitian one should be ready to learn to talk and listen with empathy, understand the patient’s condition and always be ready to learn the nutrition guidelines that keep changing with advances in medicine.

If one wants to be a sports dietitian one should understand the demand of the athlete, the sport they are playing and above all team work to give the best nutrition guidance.

Every field has its own challenge; we need to excel in the path we have chosen.

What are some of the major challenges in this profession? How did you overcome them with time?

Every time I have joined a new hospital, one need to prove to the medical team that you are a clinical dietitian who will manage the patients effectively with Medical Nutrition therapy and you would be a team player in getting that patient better.

What led to the conception of establishing Mitha Aahara- Eat to Live?

I had always believed that “Food Heals” and wanted to start my own clinic. After the pandemic people are more receptive to online consulting and there are no boundaries. If patients or clients (I do both wellness and disease conditions) cannot come to you, you need to adapt and use technology to reach them and this has helped my practice grow leaps and bounds.

What were the major roadblocks that came your way when you first started your company?

Use of technology and understanding payment gateways and to make clients understand that any program will work only if we respect each other’s time and efforts.

Can you provide our readers with some tips to revitalize their gut health with minimal efforts and expenses?

  • Do not follow any fad diets which will compromise your gut health
  • Popping antacids as a habit will spoil your gut health and cause long term damage
  • Do not become dependent on laxatives
  • Following traditional diets and habits is the best way to optimal gut health.
  • When it comes to Gut – Your best friend is FIBER – which is abundant in Seasonal fruits and vegetables

Having worked in Hospitals for 20+ years, you must have been witness to the downsides of the medical industry as well. If there was one thing you could change, what would it be?

Medical Nutritional therapy should be recognized as part of healing and without the RIGHT Nutrition, a patient cannot get better.

Can you elaborate a bit on your corporate wellness programs for employees and how it benefits them?

I love public speaking and always strike a right cord when I address corporate employees. I interact with HR and understand the type of work the employees do, their schedule and work policies and also their common Health problems (a pre survey form is circulated) before I design a customized wellness program for their workforce.

What are some of the common myths and misconceptions about the work of a dietician that your patients have when they come to you?

Food is not prepared by the dieticians in hospitals and complaining about the quality of food to them is not going to help.  Dieticians do not say Eat This Not That only but help you to understand why certain foods are restricted based on your clinical condition.

What can customers expect from your treatment if they decide to consult you regarding their gut health?

When a client comes to me with gut health issues, I do a detailed Nutritional assessment and design a program for them based on their chronic issues like Crohn’s, functional disorders like diarrhea, chronic constipation, Acidity, bloating and indigestion. My programs are 3 months or 6 months where their weekly food diary is monitored and suggestions and changes made to their daily food habits.

Traditional practices and food are given importance and I also share customized recipes based on the likes and dislikes of the client as food is something very personal and we cannot expect long term compliance unless we understand the food habits of each one of them.

Quick 5

1. A good diet for you is – Balanced and Nutritious

2. Your favorite TBBT character- Sheldon of course

3. One movie you have recently watched and loved- No Time to Die

4. Your daily mantra for work- Act Not React

5. One thing you do every day to maintain your optimism- Journaling daily the day’s activities to reflect