
Sun Yong: Thinking Out of the Box

Sun Yong

Sun Yong is an author, positive mindset mentor, entrepreneur, life coach, and stock and options trader who has written several books including ‘Opposite/Opposites’ and ‘How to Invest in Yourself’. Having a childhood filled with struggles, both of these books are inspired by Sun Yong’s own life and experiences. She is a motivation for everyone struggling out there and a ray of hope that things do get better.

In her interview with Storiyaan, Sun Yong talks about her life experiences, the journey of self-love and confidence, and gives some important financial tips. She is a life coach, mentor, entrepreneur and above all an inspiration for all. Continue reading this interview to know more about Sun Yong and her journey.

Sun Yong


Questions and answers

At what point in your life did you recognize your ability to step into the shoes of a leader as the CEO of your company?

It was probably when I decided to retire early and start my own company. It was big and daunting yet I decided to take it nevertheless.

When did you first conceive of the idea for Opposite/Opposites and what were your target readers?

The idea came to us after attending a seminar which made us realize that a book is much more noticeable than a regular size business card. When we got married, we came up with the title “Opposite/Opposites” as we were unlike each other in terms of mindsets, attitudes, and priorities in life but we got along most of the time.
Our target audience is married couples, parents, single moms, dads, and blended families – who often struggle in relationships or finances.

Could you relate to us one of the most memorable moments you have had as a life coach that had impacted you personally?

I have met quite a few individuals who were struggling with their self-worth, self-confidence, or boundary issues. As well as couples who were on a verge of getting a divorce but didn’t wish to take any kind of counseling due to various reasons. When I was able to help them, and even saved their marriages, it helped me to boost my self-confidence.

Mike and you grew up in different cultural and religious backgrounds. Did this difference help in diversifying your perspectives when it came to your career decisions?

Yes, growing up in different cultural and religious backgrounds helped us to understand each other’s perspectives and often induced us to compromise in decisions regarding our respective careers.

How do you see the company changing in two years, and how do you see yourself creating that change?

I want to see our company grow so we can help and reach more people globally. We need to hire like-minded people for our company. That means I have to set specific short and long-term goals to meet the changes.

What, according to you, has been the biggest letdown in your career so far and what was your mantra of bouncing back from it?

We had a lot of people reach out for an online webinar, yet not too many people showed up. We were shocked and extremely disappointed. At that moment we could have given up on webinars, instead, we decided to use the disappointment to grow by looking for areas we can make changes and improve.

How far do you feel authoring a non-fiction book is challenging as compared to fiction and is there any upcoming project that we might look up to?

According to my experience, writing non-fiction is much harder since I have to be honest, sincere, vulnerable, and manifest my life and journey whereas fiction is much easier as we can write about our imaginations and fantasies, which can be far-fetched from the truth. I am also hoping for greater interviews by the media and a movie based on my life. I am also trying to help my physically-challenged friend, come to America from an orphanage so that I can help her walk through restorative therapy.

As a life coach, when did you first embark on your journey of self-love and confidence-building?

When I was helping others as a life coach, I realized that my voice matters. I was able to think for myself and outside the box. I started trusting my inner voice, invest in self-care both emotionally and physically which helped with my self-confidence. Growing up as an orphan, I felt I had no voice, I didn’t matter to anyone, and could not trust my own family, it took me a lot to get where I am today and I could not be more proud of myself.

Physical fitness seems to be an important part of your life. How far do you think it is responsible for enhancing mental health as well?

It’s very important. If you don’t exercise to feed your mind with fresh oxygen and build muscles then you will lose them which can lead to loss of movement. I have seen a lot of my former patients with physical disabilities who were unable to do simple daily routines such as combing their hairs, tying their shoes, putting on jackets, or even walk without running out of breath. This can demotivate them and then they do not try any further. Therefore, it is vital to have exercise in your daily routine.

What is a message that you would like to pass on to people reading your feature?

Firstly, get rid of your negative thoughts, and people who doubt you and your capabilities. Surround yourself with positive-minded people.

If there was something that you had a chance to say to your younger self, what would that be? 

I would say to my younger self,” You are loved, you are worth living and you have the potential to help other people and be your boss. It will get better and I’m proud of you.”

Quick 5

1. Best book read until now – Celebrate Recovery: The Journey begins by John Baker.

2. A person you look up to: Julia Roberts, Actress.

3. Describe yourself in a word: Confident.

4. Entrepreneurship to you is:  Someone who takes risks and creates business.

5. Favourite Instagram account:  My account.