
Sun Yong – A Warrior with Strength

Sung Yong
Sung Yong

Sun Yong - A Warrior with Strength

“I remember waiting outside the bedroom door for the longest time while my mother went in to deliver. Then, I finally heard a baby crying. But, my mother never came out of that room.

I saw one of my older sisters holding our newborn baby. She fed our baby homemade baby food since we did not have the money to buy milk. Our baby died a few weeks later due to malnutrition.

After that incident, my dad decided to split our family. He told one of my older sisters to take care of me and left us. We became instant orphans. I was 4 and my sister was about 12 years old when we ended up in an orphanage.

I heard crying babies and saw them being dropped off by the front door at the orphanage regularly and thought our family was normal. Yet, a part of me was sad to lose my mom and dad.

Having faced so many catastrophes at such a young age I was hysteric and couldn’t walk. So, a few years later my sister took me to a different Orphanage. It was a rehab center for handicapped kids.

I remember watching other kids playing hopscotch, jump ropes, running around through the windows of our old orphanage, and wished I could play outside with them. I was happy that my dream was finally going to come true and I would learn to walk.

But, my sister wasn’t allowed to stay there. And I wouldn’t let go of her. So, she told me she had to go to the bathroom and left me there.

Being abandoned by my dad and now by my sister I was devastated. After this, I felt like nobody would ever love me.

But then, I got adopted by an American family at 14. I was so thankful that I had a family to love but that fear of desertion made it hard for me to trust and love people once again.

Despite all that I was determined to succeed. I would wake up at 4 am to study every day since I had a difficult time understanding homework due to the language barrier.

I learned and did everything I was taught, and finally got my dream job as a CMA (Certified Medical Assistant). I was even married to my then-love but ended up being an abuse victim for 14 long years.

I finally filed for a divorce. While I was liberated from the abuse, I found myself raising 3 girls as a single mom. I was living paycheck to paycheck, struggling to pay bills, driving cars that broke down regularly, no money to do anything extra.

Having grinded through so many hardships of life I had reached the peak of my tolerance level. So, I decided to retire early with no money in my savings or checking account.

And then, I got remarried. My husband and I became an author, founder of a Non-Profit Organization, where we offer Restorative Therapy for Seniors.

Today I am a confident and positive mindset CEO, Entrepreneur, made over a million dollars in a short time. Now that’s what I call it living my Dream Life! “.