
Suresh Kumar: The truth in your stars

Suresh Kumar

Have you ever scowled at astrology or been upset when a prediction failed to come true? Well, as said, the fault lies in us and not our stars. Chennai’s Suresh Kumar has much to say about this. He is an Astrologer, Numerologist, and Vaastu Expert and hence the perfect person to guide you if you’re going through a period of turmoil.

Suresh Kumar, who is awarded the title “Jyotish Visharad,” has served as a mentor and guide to several people, including celebrities and CEOs. He demonstrates his effectiveness as a tutor by dedicating his website to Occult Science students.

He not only wins the trust of his clients, but he also reaches a website readership of over 100 countries.

In his conversation with Storiyaan, he talks about the stereotypes and distrust surrounding the subject of astrology and shares his knowledge about the same. Continue reading to know more.

Suresh Kumar

Suresh Kumar: The truth in your stars


Questions and answers

1. Tell us about your first encounter with the world of astrology and how did it affect you?

As a child, I used to buy old astrology books and read them. Noting my interest in astrology, a relative of mine asked me to predict his future which I did and told him that he would have problems with his job and might lose it. Surprisingly this prediction came true and I realized I have had an astrological intuition since the very start.


2. Can you explain the concept of the correlation between Fate and Free Will in astrology?

Fate or destiny is inevitable. While fate is controlled by our karmas or our actions done in the present and previous births, free will is in our hands. We have the free will to choose friends, jobs, businesses, etc. For example, you have a bunch of different flowers from which you can select any flower but nothing beyond that. Here the Fate represents a bunch of flowers, and Freewill is your option to select any flower from that bunch.

3. What are the “Sun signs” and the “Moon signs”, and how do they impact a person respectively?

The sun sign that Westerners generally follow is the zodiac occupied by the sun when a person is born. People born between March 21 and April 19 in any given year are in Aries, as the Sun will be placed in Aries during this time. Likewise, the sun moves in twelve signs, and people born at different times belong to any of the twelve signs. Indians follow Moon signs. The moon stays in one Rashi (sign) for 54 hours or 2 ¼ days. The sign the moon is in at the time of your birth is known as the moon sign (Janma Rasi). Suppose if you were born when the moon is in cancer, then your moon sign is cancer. Sun is the Soul and Moon is the Mind.

4. People are sometimes very skeptical of astrology and occult sciences these days. What would be your message to them?

Astrology is based on the concept of time. We succeed when time is on our side; else, we fail. People need to realize that of the two forces that rule the world, logic, is visible while the other, magic, is invisible. While success can be described as mystical, the hard work that leads to it is more rational. Put another way, generating multiple items in a given time is logical, but when an accident happens that changes your expected results, it’s magic. My message is simple: Use astrology wherever possible and you will see the results.

5. Tell us about the major difficulties that you had to overcome in the initial days to build credibility.

When I started my career as an astrologer, I was young compared to other astrologers. As most people believe that older astrologers are better than younger astrologers, I faced difficulties proving my talent. It took them several years to recognize that age is just a factor, and predictions that come true, matter a lot to people

6. You have also provided your assistance to numerous celebrities and CEOs across the globe. What are some of the most common issues that they come to you with?

Most celebrities and CEOs from around the world come to me for advice on product launches and business growth in the future. Celebrities consult me for good dates for their film shootings and releases.


7. You hold the title of “Jyotish Visharad”. What significance does the title hold for you personally?

The title “Jyotish Visharad” was given by an esteemed organization in recognition of my subject knowledge and skills. It makes me proud of myself and the work that I have been doing.


8. Your website provides an opportunity for all learners of Occult Sciences. What are some of the criteria one must have to sign up for the same?

Several articles on my website are good for learners of astrology and occult sciences as it provides the foundation knowledge. The basic criteria are to have patience and understand the subject deeply.

9. You have been teaching Astrology and Vaastu subjects for quite some time now. Can you share with our readers some advice that all students of this stream must keep in mind before they take up this study?

Astrology and Vaastu are sacred sciences. Only dedicated and serious students can succeed in these subjects. In addition to this, students should have an efficient guru to guide them in applying knowledge while reading horoscopes. Dedication to the Navagrahas and living a disciplined life are very important to attaining good predictability.

10. What are some of the common stereotypes that you have been subjected to in your professional life and what is the most common misgiving people have had about this profession?

Among the stereotypes that I have faced are people’s assumptions of astrologers wearing Dhoti, Finger Rings, and many Malas around their necks or having their forehead smeared with Tilak or sindoor. The moment others know you are an astrologer, they extend their palm for reading. They fail to understand that they should approach an Astrologer at the proper time and the proper place. 

Quick 5

  1. One skill a good astrologer must possess – Predictive Ability
  2. One digital platform you rely on the most – Social Media
  3. One tip for followers of daily horoscope predictions – Don’t take it too seriously as the predictions are for one day.
  4. You never start the day without- Reading Panchanga
  5. Your greatest motivator – My Guru


If you wish to get in touch with Suresh Kumar or learn more about Occult Sciences, connect with him on his social media account linked to this feature below.
