
5 Min Bit with Swapnil Jamne

Swapnil Jamne

Team Storiyaan had a chit chat with Swapnil Jamne, the guy behind the most intriguing and heartfelt micro tales. Read the entire interview of ‘The deep thinker‘ through the lens of Swapnil Jamne.

Swapnil Jamne


Questions and Answers

You have built yourself on Instagram, and people love your heartfelt tales. How was the process of turning Swapnil into a deep thinker?

The process of turning Swapnil into a deep thinker was simple. This generation does a lot of “overthinking”, and I try to include everything they think about. I want everyone to relate my stories with their life situations. Instagram is such a platform where one can connect to thousands of people and share ideas or thoughts with them. After reading my tales, people feel calm. Sometimes they also try to find the answers to their life questions, and it helps them relieve stress, and I help them in the process.
The main reason for naming it as “the deep thinker” was to get connected with the people and their thinking. The deep thinker is not just a page; it is an emotion which can be felt by many.

Your posts are simple and yet very deep. The one we liked the most was 'Don't take it personally if they don't know you personally'. Are you anytime keen on publishing a book of your own?

As I get a lot of love from my followers for my micro tales, they might support me with my book too. I never thought about this but let’s see where my future leads me to. But if I get the opportunity to write a book with my name, I will say a ‘yes’.

Instagram is reported to be the most used application. What unique do you do to retain the attention of your followers and receive this love on your page?

This generation is in love with micro tales and memes. One can search on Instagram anything they want to experience. They even seek tales and such things to feel their own intense feelings. I think that it’s about how much impact your words leave to others. A thousand words are not sufficient to express your emotions, but sometimes a few lines can explain the entire feeling. I think my page is receiving so much love because I try to capture their feelings in just a few words. I upload the kind of posts that have a personal touch, feelings that happen to me and can happen to anyone else too.

What suggestions would you like to give to people who plan on digitally showcasing their talent?

Anyone who wants to follow their interest and write micro tales or any other thing, online platforms are worth walking in. Instagram is one such platform where anyone who wants to showcase their talent can get success because more and more people are engaging in Instagram. For getting success in making people love you by your work the two most important things I feel are ‘consistency’ and ‘patience’.

How did the idea of creating micro tales come up to your mind? What was your initial inspiration to start the beautiful page?

The initial inspiration to start this page was to pen down the thoughts of people on paper. But nowadays, due to the arrival of the internet age, people are constantly searching for everything on the net. And that’s how micro tales happened to me. I am fond of reading, plus I am an excellent observer when it comes to condensing people’s feelings into words. And maybe that’s the reason; people love all my writings.

You must have had your share of tough times. How did you overcome them? What is your mantra to being calm when everything goes wrong?

There are always such phases in life where one has to face hardships. I too had my share of tough times in my life where there were only despair, grief, darkness and no light. But instead of hiding from my problem, I faced it. I did meditation and sat for hours, closing my eyes.

How many years did it take for you to curate and build The Deep Thinker? How has the journey been so far?

It’s been two years. It requires a lot of hard work and faith in yourself because this is a very competitive world, and you share the same interest and talent with hundreds of people. Initially, the page doesn’t get followers, likes and comments, but if you stay consistent surely you are getting closer to your goal. I always think with the perspective of my followers, what they will like and not what I want. By serving the taste of people, they recognized me, and now I am receiving much love from them. My mantra is “consistency and perseverance lead towards your goal”.

Building upon a platform like Instagram requires a lot of patience and perseverance. There are times when things don't turn out the way you want them to. Initially, it may take years, how did you teach the never say die attitude in you.

I didn’t teach this attitude; I just recognized that it already exists in me. I loved writing. So I started presenting it on a platform that would give me recognition. And my supporters gave me that. It is in everyone all you’ve got to do is a bit of introspection.

Were you inherently a writer or was there any incident that gave birth to the writer in you. Would you like to share an event that changed your perception of life?

I am bad at expressing my feelings personally to anyone. Maybe because I am an introvert, there were moments I regretted not saying things I should have said. So, I express them through my writings and begin to write something that will people love.

What are your plans when it comes to pursuing creative writing professionally? Would you step in any creative industry, or do you have some other plans?

As I said before, I never thought about this, but surely I would love to if I get such an opportunity. I believe in living in the present or I would say I am just admiring micro writing tales right now and attaining love from my supporters.