
Aman Talwar- Weaving Emotions

Aman Talwar- Weaving Emotions

Poems on a blank sheet are raw emotions weaved together and nothing more. Aman Talwar, the author of Weaving Emotions brings words to life with poetry. She doesn’t know how to limit herself, thus she’s a poet, an author, and a bold young woman, brave enough to follow her heart’s call. Though being a corporate […]

Nisha and Neelam Kushwaha: A Store of Vibrant Colors

Nisha and Neelam

Mugdha Rahatekar: Life Reloaded Nisha and Neelam Kushwaha-We come from a family where my grandmother and mother used to make handmade products. They used to convert the waste material and other stuff into a completely new product which I deeply admired because the process was very gripping. We were always intrigued to know what new […]

Sophia Suraya- The Chakras of Wellbeing

Sophia Suraya- The Chakras of Wellbeing

How well do you heal if you don’t heal from inside? Life’s events don’t happen to you, they happen to your highest best- says Sophia Suraya, the fearless young soul who manipulates energy for wellbeing. If your mental health is sagging away, all you need is channelization of your energies and Reiki and hence, Suraya. […]