
5 Min Bit With Payal Barbhaya

payal barbhaya

“Fashion to me is never stagnant, it’s ever-changing. Fashion along with confidence can do wonders for a person’s self-image.”, reaffirms Payal.

A huge part of growing up is tackling our ever-growing self-image issues. While some of us eventually conquer it, some think they are a lost cause. Payal Barbhaya is making every such person believe otherwise. She is an Image Consultant and Self Development Coach who is remoulding her clients to become the best and the most confident versions of themselves. Payal landed on to follow her passion project armed with a unique vision to assist her client’s according to their preferences. She does not believe in following the trends at the expense of someone’s comfort. In addition, Payal is also an Etiquette and Life Coach who is specialised in modifying your interpersonal skills to suit your best interests.


Questions and answers

How were the experiences of your initial days when you dipped your feet into the world of fashion, grooming and styling?

Initially, I started with interactions on social media platforms, joined community Facebook groups to understand the individual experiences in the industry. When I started I realised I had to work with the mindsets of the clients and not external beauty. I had to convince my client’s on Comfort and Confidence over Quality and Over-rated brands. Therefore, although the initial days were challenging, eventually, with time and patience, I mastered the skill.

What are some of the instrumental changes you wish to see in the world of fashion?

From the perspective of an Image Consultant, it’s not about following the current trends and fashion but understanding and exploring the comfort and fashion preferences of an individual. Having said that, I wish more and more people especially in the fashion industry promotes and endorses realistic fashion choices and styles. Fashion is for everyone and it should cater to every individual notwithstanding their body type or colour.

You are a happy wife, a proud mother and love living in a close-knit family. How do you manage the difficulties you face while juggling work and home?

Having failed multiple times to get it right, I chose the spiritual path and that was like magic! It helped me maintain a balance between my mind and heart. Besides, a rational solution to challenges and not over-stressing myself helps me function every day. But on days when it gets difficult, I take deep breaths and surrender without constant worrying.

As a grooming coach, what are your ideas about how both body and mind are related and required for an individual's makeover?

I am a firm believer in the fact that attitude and persona both go hand in hand. One without the other is an imperfect combination no matter which profession you belong to. You perceive and build an impression with the speech which reveals your mindset. Hence as a coach, I need to analyze and counsel on need-based mindset transformation before getting into any physical transformation.

What are the roadblocks you had to face when you decided to start your career afresh after 15 years of gap?

Initially, I struggled with understanding the work, planning, managing and executing. Furthermore, I had to overcome procrastination and learn how to put my priorities right. In addition, working with difficult clients who are stubborn, closed, orthodox or perception-driven was never a cakewalk! But it’s a journey and each client transformation influences my growth and knowledge.

Since you are a listening coach, active listening sometimes can get very taxing. How do you manage to maintain your role on days when it gets overwhelmed?

Active listening like writing is a skill and it too entails time and practice to unearth the underlining unsaid emotions during a conversation. I enrolled on an active listening class from a learned friend. Since then, I have honed myself to be attentive to my mind. But this also means I learn to detach myself whenever and be mindful of my own needs whenever it gets overwhelming.

Often women after getting married fail to have the confidence them to start something new in the fear that it's no longer the correct age. What would be your advice to them?

In my opinion, although you are your age, it’s the mindset that plays an important role. I don’t agree with 40 is the new 30 or 30 is the new 20. But yes, I do believe that some start their journey sooner and some later! The key is to start and let go of the inhibitions!