
5 Min Bit With Anjali Tyagi

Anjali Tyagi

Anjali Tyagi is a Certified Life Coach who is on a mission to empower women to lead successful relationships and build confidence in them to lead successful lives. She has an aptitude for assisting others to help them realize their highest potential and bring their coveted ambitions to fruition. She is also a Certified NLP Practitioner whose expertise has brought her innumerable satisfied clients who are looking forward to a thriving future. Know more about Anjali in this quick chat with Storiyaan.

Anjali Tyagi


Questions and answers

Tell us about how significant it is to have a life coach in modern times.

In times of chaos and uncertainty, when one is apprehensive and insecure about their ambitions, struggles, and failures; a life coach can be the ray of light whose guidance can be the ticket to success. A life coach is like a dependable partner and their significant insight enriches our life especially in the humdrum of modern life.

Can you elaborate on how NLP can transform lives and help people get closer to their goals?

NLP [Neuro-Linguistic Programming] is a tool that aids you to enter a desirable state of mind by discarding and eliminating any non-resourceful and unproductive thoughts that deflect you from your goals. With NLP, we resolve self-doubt problems, instigate a sense of accomplishment in our clients and abet them in achieving success through personalized guidance and assurance.

How do visualization exercises help people to achieve their goals?

Visualization is a powerful technique, when you use all your senses to envisage a desired future, you are more likely to implement the required changes in your lifestyle and align it according to your ambitions. It creates a drastic shift in our energies and we feel empowered.

How has your journey into mentoring women been so far?

My mentoring journey is bilateral, my advice and mentorship run parallel to me implementing character traits or skills that I appreciate in my clients. The interactions and conversations enrich my mentoring skills and it is a constant learning process that is of utmost importance in my mentoring journey.

Can you tell us about the fondest client transformation story that you can think of?

One of my clients was diagnosed with cancer, her fiancé called off the wedding after her diagnosis and she found herself in a shambles – disoriented, shattered, under-confident, and perplexed about her life and herself. After I had few mentoring sessions with her, she regained the trust and faith in herself. I am extremely grateful to enjoy the good luck of helping a devoted person like her recover and grow.

What is a message that you want to pass on to all the women stuck in the pandemic and are reading this feature?

Firstly, I would like to applaud every woman for managing their homes and career in such trying times. Secondly, my only message to every woman will be to invest in themselves along with their families, rejoice, take time off, and don’t let the pandemic get the better of her.