“I have noticed that handling a business is perhaps more difficult for a woman. As, very often, families pull them down in their journeys.”, mentions a passionate Nandini.
Embracing life in the unknown is harder said than done and Nandini Kishan is one of the few who have conquered a newer terrain. Professionally, a Physiotherapist, her job was strenuous and as a new mom, she wished to spend more time with her child. And thus began her stint as an entrepreneur with Oriflame. When she chose the road less travelled, Nandini was prepared to overcome the hurdles and so she did. Today, she is living the life she desired all because of her will and heart. Besides, Nandini is on a mission to encourage and empower women to “stand up and be financially independent for themselves”.
Read more about Nandini and her unorthodox journey in this cosy conversation with Storiyaan.

Questions and answers
What led to the start of an entrepreneurial journey in your life?
Working with Oriflame, how have your experiences been and what is the one thing about them that interests you the most?
The experience has been nothing but extraordinary. I am so invested in them because their work ethic, product quality and business compensation are unparalleled.
How did you come up with the idea of empowering the lives of women with work from home opportunities?
What were some of the major roadblocks you faced when you started as a business entrepreneur in your initial days?
As an amateur in the business world, I had to push myself to acquire the necessary communication skills, pitching techniques and understand my target customers. This took time and patience but I never gave up.
What would be your guide to all those who are planning for a start-up but are financially lagging?
What is the one thing you have discovered about people while dealing with your clients?
You have travelled to 17 countries. Would you like to share with us one fondest experience you can recollect from any one of the places?

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