
Renuka Gangan: An Omnific Gem

Renuka Gangan

Renuka Gangan is the girl-next-door who finds her place in music, poetry and singing. As a shy, introverted child, Renuka struggled with finding friends and failing grades. But she was not the one to accept defeat. After her college, she attended an ‘Art of Living’ course and began sketching a new life story. Ever since her journey as a singer-songwriter began and today, she owns her own music company – “Nadabrahma”.

 An accidental writer, she started writing at the age of ten, quite oblivious of her unparalleled talent. She is also an author of poetry book “Love Mince Pie and Some Magic”.

Besides, she has studied from IIM Kozhikode and working as a Business Analyst, who has shunned the mundane orthodox living with her creative pursuits. 

Read more about the life and journey of the charming Renuka in this cozy interview with Storiyaan.

Renuka Gangan


Questions and answers

What do you think lies at the core of your lack of confidence and what led to such insecurities?

When I found myself lose the top academic positions, I convinced myself that I am worth nothing. I was also a slow reader which made me very conscious. Apart from that, the competitive nature of education surely affected my self-belief.

A lot of similar cases where children suffer academically go unnoticed by parents who fail to detect the problems of their children and some even decide to turn a blind eye. What do you think is the cause of this attitude?

I am very fortunate that my parents took every measure to help me get better at academics without doubling the pressure. I do think that very often parents are unable to understand the interests of their child and this misunderstanding fuels their flawed expectations.

What role did ‘Art of Living’ play in helping you resurrect your self-love and self-confidence?

Artofliving’ played a significant role in instilling positivity in my life. It made me understand how staying happy is fulfilling and soon I started enjoying my own company and life. It influenced spiritual healing and for that, I am immensely grateful.

You mentioned that you still struggle but you have found the strength to handle the negativity outside or within you in a better way. Could you perhaps elaborate a bit on that?

Although struggles are part and parcel of my life, I have learned to not let them affect me. During the pandemic, my work schedule got disrupted but I focused on creative pursuits like poetry writing. I believe that I am building a legacy and I can’t let the challenges get the better of me.

When it comes to poetry and songwriting, do you have a muse and what are some of the major sources you draw inspiration from?

Everything that inspires me to write under the clear sky is my muse. More precisely, I draw inspiration from movies, songs, common people, books and everything in between.

What are the major changes that you found in your poetry before and during the COVID scenario in terms of theme and style?

Usually, my poems are on love and happiness but the pandemic weighed heavy at times. Hence, I did find myself pen down sad poems and poems on despair. As a singer-songwriter, I also shared an awareness song videoon Covid.

Have your mother’s poetry and songs impacted your writing style?

My mother’s writing style can be equated with Marathi literary classics like the ‘Abhanga’. While my poetry focuses on love and our thoughts are different. However, I cannot deny that she has passed over her gift of writing to me.

What were the preceding events that led to the creation of your production house ‘Nadabrahma”?

One day, I unconsciously started humming a new tune I had composed in a dream! I started writing a song for that, made changes and finally contacted directors and videographers for the music video. The experience made me start my own company called ‘Nadabrahma’.

Tell us about your experience working with your music director and producer Pranav Kamat and what was the most important thing that you took back from working with him?

My experience of working with him has been deeply enriching. He has faith in my abilities and is constantly encouraging me to get better. I wish to take back his humility, deep-rooted ethics and values.

What do you see as the role of the poet in modern-day society and what are some of these roles that you have taken upon yourself when you realized the writer in you?

According to my opinion, writers are visionaries who have the power to impact generations. I aim to influence others by following the footsteps of the great authors before me. In these trying times, I take responsibility to spread positivity with the power of my words.

Quick 5

  1. Best book you have read – The Fountainhead by Ayn Rand

  2. One self-care tip that works for you – Try to stay happy
  1. Writing to you is – Meditation and healing
  1. A word to describe your first book – Magic

  2. An author you look up to – My mother (an aspiring author)