
Vidhi Mardia – The Rise After Failure

Vidhi Mardia
Vidhi Mardia

Vidhi Mardia- The Rise After Failure

“From a shy girl who went unrecognized at her school farewell to going back to her alma mater as a chief guest. Oh boy! life did take some blissful turns. Being a bright student throughout school and college, I was devastated at my CA results; it was the first time I ever failed. Not only did it feel like an academic declination but I felt like a failure in life. I was distraught. Pejorative and clueless about how to deal with the circumstances, I started penning down my hedonism.

Despite receiving a lot of ‘You should focus more on your CA exams, do you want to flunk once again?’ I would stay up all night writing. And somewhere between those 16-hour long venting sessions – lines started turning into stories, pages turned into chapters and my debut book was conceived! While I was vernal about completing the book, a new challenge was around the corner. Finding a publishing house is quite a task for any debut author. And after having my fair share of ‘Your book is amazing, but we can’t invest in debut writers’. I was finally able to find a publishing house for my book. When I submitted my manuscript to some renowned people, they were impressed by my book and readily wrote testimonials – among them were Mr. Gopalkrishnan, Ex-director Tata sons, Motilal Oswal to name a few.

Due to the pandemic restrictions, we had a virtual launch; It was the happiest day of my life. Launching my book was a win in itself; anything beyond that was totally out of my sight. In an attempt of coping up with my trite, little did I imagine that my words could impact lives someday. ‘Your book saved me from the suicidal thoughts in this pandemic; This book was a ray of hope in times like these; failure doesn’t seem all that bad after giving this a read’ – said the reviews. The book was even Amazon bestseller #3 at a point. Receiving all this appreciation and winning so many awards while my book became a household name was something I never saw coming.

This July will mark the 1 year anniversary of my debut as a writer- A year filled with a bunch of firsts and memories for a lifetime. And most importantly at the end of it, I did stand true to what my book quoted – ‘failure does open the doors to success.

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