
How to quit smoking?

Quit Smoking

“Smoking helps you lose weight? One lung at a time.” You might have heard this phrase before, that smoking is injurious to health, but how many of you actually consider it in real life? We have had many experts and advisors say before that it’s toxic to human health.You ever wondered why? Well the answer […]

What is happening in Afghanistan?


On the 15th August, the Taliban officially took over Afghanistan. The president of Afghanistan – Ashraf Ghani fled the country. With no opposing government, the people of Afghanistan are now under the rule of the terrorists. Hysteria, panic, and terror are the dominating emotions. The women and children of Afghanistan are in a vulnerable situation. […]

Fashion trends that are making a comeback in 2021

Fashion Trends

It’s indeed true “what goes around does come back and sometimes not in the way you expect it”. Though this quote is purposed to illustrate a different situation but at this rate it does apply to fashion trends that are making a comeback in 2021.  Fashion works in cycles. Partly because tastes change, and partly […]

5 Books that will get you out of reading slump

Reading Books

Do you also feel like your attention span has been reduced to the length of an Instagram reel?  Dont let this demotivate, it happens to all of us, even the most prominent readers. The beautiful stories feel like a dread, to be overcomed and the most exotic activity feels like a burden instead of a […]

Shalini Sinha : The Tea Treasury

Shalini Sinha

The Infused Kettle is weaving stories and highlighting memories with the perfect cup of tea. The brand came into existence when a bunch of tea purists embarked on the journey to discover and deliver the most pristine tea from India in the traditional way. As tea holds the central position to every conversation or meeting […]

Anime movies that will make you cry

Anime Movies

“The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did.”  The success of many anime movies are the emotional attachment that they give to their audiences. Everyone is looking for shows that […]

Celebration of Independence Day around India

Independence Day

Every year India celebrates its independence day on 15th August to commemorate India’s freedom from British rule in 1947.  India’s Independence day is recognised as a gazetted national holiday all over the country. The celebration of independence day around India takes place in various forms. A lot of cultural events are organised all over the […]

6 Reasons – You Should Switch to Organic Skincare Products

Skincare Products

Is skincare an Holistic element for the human dermis ?  There’s a saying that whatever you put on your skin reflects on your body.  Like when we become extra cautious while grocery shopping or cooking, we should show the same level of vigilance while choosing skincare products. Eating clean and healthy is a great choice […]

Six Bollywood Adaptations of Shakespeare’s Works

Shakespeare Works

We all remember the days we spent reading Shakespeare’s plays in class and getting annoyed by our English teacher’s lectures to find the hidden meaning in the text. Almost all of us have some memory attached to Shakespeare, be it good or bad.  Shakespeare is such a well-known playwright that almost everyone has at least […]

Can healthy sex life reduce depression?

Sex Life

The relationship between depression and sex is complicated. I often question myself Can healthy sex life reduce depression?  Depression can steal your sex drive, make your enthusiasm trun low, and reduce any desire you once had to feel attractive or confident. On the other hand, many aspects of sex can help boost your mood and […]